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Birth Story Series: Andrea Hand

Xander’s birth story

Friday night Tre was getting ready for work and I was having Braxton Hicks. They were all over, but noticeable. I just told him he should still go to work because it’s probably another false alarm.

My mom came over and said she thought it could be labor but I still was not convinced. Around 10:50 I had a couple strong contractions and called my midwife. Tre was just clocking in at work and I called him home.

He got back around 11:30 along with my midwife. The contractions were still 4-6 minutes apart and I could still do stuff through them. I was thinking it would be a while because this isn’t intense.

Each contraction got a lot stronger, but still were all spaced out 4-6 minutes. I’m not sure what time it was but I felt like leaning on my yoga ball would be more comfortable. Took pressure off my back and gave me something to lean on. Focused on my breathing and keeping my body from tensing up. Trusting my body would do what it’s designed to and not add stress.

Had another strong contraction and felt like the baby was coming. He came out with two strong contractions, my water didn’t break till he was being born. Xander’s head came out with the sack still around him. I heard his first cry and my next contraction he was born. My last two births were great, this one was even better. Extremely smooth and calm. Our bodies are incredible and with every baby I have gotten healthier. Gods perfect creation and timing. This round I was relaxed and felt at peace. Focused on my baby and the excitement he was entering the world. Tre caught Xander and is amazing during our home births. He is so supportive and calm.

Xander was 8 pounds and 10 ounces. Labor was around 3 hours and he was 20 inches long. I did not tear or have any issues. Thankful for my midwife and being surrounded by our family. My mother, mother in law, aunt, family and friends are amazing! Taking care of meals and my boys. Truly blessed with support and love.

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